Chapter 18  Direct Current CIRcuits

18.1  Sources of emf (Electromotive Force)

•  The source that maintains the constant current in a closed circuit is called a source of emf, i.e. batteries and generators.

•  A battery (Figures 18.1)

•  The maximum potential difference is called the electromotive force (emf, E) of the battery.

•  In reality, batteries have a small resistance  to be added to the circuit.  This resistance is called the internal resistance of the battery.

•  The internal resistance causes the voltage between the terminals to drop below the maximum value specified by the battery’s emf.  The actual voltage between the terminals of a battery is know as the terminal voltage ()

      = E -

•  Examples.

18.2  Resistors in Series

•  When the devices are wired in series (serial wiring), the same electric current is flowing through each device.

•  Figure 18.2

•  V = V1 + V2 + …  ;  I1 = I2 = …

•  The equivalent resistance (Rs) is

Rs = R1 + R2 + …

•  Examples

18.3 Resistors in Parallel

•  When the devices are wired in parallel (parallel wiring), the same voltage is applied across each device. 

•  Figure 20.19 and 20.21

•  I = I1 + I2 + …  ;  V1 = V2 = …

•  The equivalent resistance (Rs) is

1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + …

•  Examples

18.4 Kirchhoff’s Rules and Complex DC Circuits (Skip)

18.5 RC Circuits

•  Figure 18.13 (a resistor-capacitor circuit)

•  Assuming that the capacitor is uncharged at time t = 0 when the switch is closed, the magnitude q of the charge on the capacitor at time t is

          q = Q [1 – e-t/RC]                                                          (20-20)

where Q = C E and the exponential e has the value of 2.718.

•  The term RC in the exponent is called the time constant t of the circuit:

          t = RC

The time constant is the amount of time required for the capacitor to accumulate 63.2 % of its equilibrium charge.  The charge approaches its equilibrium value rapidly when the time constant is small and slowly when the time constant is large.

•  Assuming that the capacitor is fully charged (Q) at time t = 0 when the switch is closed, then the charged capacitor begins discharging.  The magnitude q of the remaining charge on the capacitor at time t is

          q = Q e-t/RC                                                          (20-22)

•  At t = RC, the magnitude of the charge remaining on each plate is Q (0.368).  Hence, the time constant is the amount of time required for a charged capacitor to lose 63.2% if its charge.

18.6 Household Circuits (Reading Assignment)

18.7 Electrical Safety (Reading Assignment)